Friday 28 August 2009

Artist profile and Pitch reflection...

We have now completed our pitch, it went well, we justified our ideas and developed our ideas well. We've decided on our song from and will stick to the genre of electro dance, like 'La Roux'.

We will try to challenge gender through costume and framing, we will position the artist central to the frame with a direct mode of address and she will take a very strong pose.

Artist profile:

She's been singing since the age of 8, when she would entertain her friends with her musical talents. The message of her music is to be your own person and follow your own mind.
Now, she is a singer and songwriter, who is committed to her passion for singing. The artist's main drive is her potential, she wants to set an example to stand out from the crowd. She's a versatile musician who admits to a variety of genres; electro dance, dance, techno and pop.

Ideas for artefacts mock ups...

Storyboard mock up

A few ideas for our storyboard:

Pitch and pitch powerpoint including pictures from pitch...

Currently we are working on our pitch, we must include institutions such as labels to sign our record to, ideas for our video, poster and CD cover. We need to include a synopsis, the song in which we would like to use, the artist and samples of our storyboard(s). We must consider audiences and institutions as well as narrative and audience theories, we need to consider the genre, codes and conventions (basing this on research). Instead of print adverts we can consider new media such as myspace, the ways that our target audience would access the song and ideas of where we are going to put it.