Wednesday 14 October 2009

Artist name and sypnopsis...

Artist name:

We were thinking about our artist name, we thought about Pink challenging the connotations of her 'name' as she does not fit the connotations of the word 'Pink'. We want to do the same with our artist name but as we are determined to challenge gender stereotypes to conform with our genre we want to use male connotations and make this 'edgy' like Lady Gaga.

We've decided on our artist name, as before we thought about a name with male connotations, with a 'feminine edge', we almost don't want the artist to fit the connotations of the 'artist name'. We chose the name 'Syd Marie', the name Syd immediately connotes a male persona however the name Marie feminises it.


Originally we were thinking along the lines of Bass Hunter's clear linear narrative, following Todorovs narrative conventions from when we had previously analysed the dance genre. With our Pop Rock genre we are going to use a clear linear narrative and follow Todorovs narrative conventions.

We are choosing to challenge gender stereotypes by a woman having full status and telling a story. We want to conform to gender representation of our genre but challenge gender stereotypes.

The setting for our video will be inside a house, outside on the street and in various settings for the male character such as a pub or out with his friends.

The whole video will be from the artists point of view, the only time she will be featured in the video is when she will sing at the male character and when this happens you will only see her lips not her full face, this is partly why we have decided to feature her on the front cover along with the other two characters; the couple. From the artists point of view she will see a couple and the whole narrative will be from her point of view.

The video will start with the couple in a house scene. The male will leave the house and next be seen in a pub or other surrounding chatting to some friends, meanwhile the female is shown sitting at home either texting or watching TV. So the audience will get the whole male going out scene whilst the female is at home.

The artist will be lip singing the song at the male, only her lips will be shown. From her point of view she will be watching how the couple interact. She will also sing all the 'CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE' lines except the last one, to make it stand out.

There will be a main shot to establish that the couple are together, we need to make this very clear for the audience from the onset, we will use lots of intercuts and cross cuts to make this connection. The artist will always be singing the verse.

The end of the video will show the male again but the female has power and is leaving the male. There will be shots of her throwing items in a bag or a suitcase or a substantial shot of her throwing a ring on the floor whilst leaving him. The last shot will be of the female walking away; this image will fade as the music fades out.

CD cover

The CD cover will feature the artist and in order to link the song to the cover, the couple from the song will be featured too. The artist will be central to the frame with a direct mode of address, this conforms to the codes and conventions of our genre.

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