Monday 28 September 2009

A written justification for the choices our group has made...

  • In terms of 'mise en scene' for our artefacts we have decided to use the artist herself, with a direct mode of address to engage the audience with the city behind connoting night life, this will conform to the codes and conventions of our genre.
  • We have represented gender by challenging gender stereotypes, we are using a female artist who throughly is in power.
  • We have conformed to convention of our genre, we know that the codes and conventions are sucessful with our target audience especially through our questionnaire.
  • We think that our final idea in selling the artist and appealing to the target demographic
  • The copy that we will use is capital lettering, this will stand out and show dominance with the artists name, we know that this information is important and using lower case would challenge our conventions.

We created this questionnaire so that we had further information regarding CD covers:


1) What colours appeal to you on the front cover of a CD?

2) What images do you expect to see on the front cover?

3) What images do you expect to see on the back cover?

4) Do you expect to see the artist on the front cover?



5) Do you prefer capital lettering or lower case styles? Which stands our to you more?




Stands out more:



6) Do you prefer a plain cover or a busy cover?



7) What copy do you expect on the front cover? Ie artist name…

From this questionnaire we found that the conventions we wanted to conform to such as using capital lettering is appropriate, the majority of people preferred a busy cover and said that they expected to see relatively bright colours on the front of the CD cover. They said that they expected to see the artist on the front cover and also that they expected to see some kind of reverse of the front on the back or an image relating to the front.

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