Saturday 28 November 2009

Music Video...

Friday 27 November 2009

Final CD cover and poster...

Ater looking at our print products we realised that we didn't have a copyright symbol on it therefore we amended this to ensure that we conformed to codes and conventions.

Friday 20 November 2009


(origional images)

We chose to feature our full photograph of the selfridges building here as we had only used sections of it on both the front and back cover, this will ensure that the audience can tell what it is as soon as they open the cover.

With this image we chose to contrast completley with our front cover, we used a deliberate direct mode of address to display this stark contrast and to engage our audience once they have opened the cover, setting up an identity for our artist.

Monday 16 November 2009

Another Advertisment...

We have found another advertisment, we know it's for the wrong genre however it's useful to look at in order to see typical layouts and codes and conventions even if it is for other genres.

Sunday 15 November 2009

CD cover mock ups...

From our very original mock up, we changed the exclamation mark we used in the name 'SYD MARIE' it's too big a trademark of PINK and we wanted something more individual. The copy also does not stand out enough, we must ensure that we change this. We shall move the artist up on the cover and perhaps enlarge the image and also edit the heart clipart as this doesn't fit appropriately. We have tried too hard to stick to the colour scheme of red and black and this hasn't worked as well as we hoped that it would. We had tried to follow the codes and conventions of previously analysed CD covers, we wanted to conform to the codes and conventions and therefore need to edit our CD covers with this in mind. The urban background was successful as it engages the audience and is a suitable setting for our target audience.

We also highly considered a direct mode of address, to conform to conventions we knew that we must use this, which we did originally on one of the mock ups, we spoke to various people about this and whether to use it. Finally we decided it was also appropriate to stay with not using the direct mode of address as we had done to fit in with the theme of 'PRETENCE',our song name.

Friday 13 November 2009


Beginning filming:

Currently we are filming, we're now about half way through our storyboard, on the whole everything has gone to plan, the only major problem we had was the setting for the shop scene and the social surrounding scene as we could find no where would allow us to film, we have tweaked our storyboard slightly to fit this and everything is currently going to plan.

Filming updates:

Update 1:
We have filmed a good half of the storyboard, looking at our product at the moment, there is not enough performance in it, we have also had the problem of filming in shops therefore must change the location for this scene. The fact that there is not much performance in our video will be a major problem as this is one of the main codes and conventions of our genre, We need to go back over the storyboard and look at our performance scenes and improve these as they aren't working and the video is becoming more of a storyline than what we need to be doing with it.

Update 2:
We tried to film tonight but it was just too dark, we need to film tuesday day time for all of the exterior shots and monday night for the shots of the artist to fit with the new ideas for our storyboard.

Update 3:
We got all our interior shots tonight, we filmed in the drama studio, the shots have worked well and we got all our performance scenes for the artist. We looked through our storyboard critically, looking at it and considering the social scenes we have had trouble filming, we decided to fill these with performance scenes, this will ensure that we conform to the codes and conventions and also solve our problem of not having enough performance in our video. We also edited our storyboard for the shop scene, we have changed it for convenience and so that our filming will go to plan. So far it is going well and we are sticking to our plan and our current storyboard. We have filmed our performance scenes this evening and our updated part of the storyboard is as follows:

We finished our filming today, everything went to plan and all our shots were as planned. We editing filming that we had previously filmed on the mac book.

We looked at this paramore video, we would really like to take some inspiration from this video.

We began editing our music video alongside our storyboard, it soon became clear that our narrative wasn't effective, it wasn't clear enough and there would have been a misunderstanding for the audience, with asking a few people to watch this, including media teachers, this was confirmed. We needed a lot more performance in it, strong effective peformance as our scenes were quite short and 'choppy', it wasn't making sense. What we have now done is refilmed the performance parts from the artist, the shots like the shots of the couple and the shots of the lip syncing from the side are effective and we will more than likely shorten these to fit in with the codes and conventions of our genre as this will allow us to fit in more performance from the artist. We are happy with our new filming that we have done and will continue editing, we will also get audience feedback in the upcoming week which will help us to consider changes and edit any small parts which may not work as well.