Monday 23 November 2009

Updated CD covers and advertisment...


  1. I like this much much more than your original idea. I really like the blue. I think you have chosen a good font and the image looks makes sydmarie look 'edgy',

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like your CD covers. I think they work really well and reflect the genre of the song. I love her facial expression as it connotes attitude and it looks edgy :)

  4. I like the use of the bullring in the background. I also like the font used with the heart on top of the "i" and the image used of anna in my opinion really sticks to the genre.
    I like the connection between the CD cover and the the advert shown through the same image and the font.

  5. I like the font and your imaage on the CD cover but I think the back cover needs something more, an image maybe.
    The colours in your advert relate to the CD cover and so does the image but I'm not sure about the white line around the image as you can see the lines where the image ends really clearly if that makes sense? Maybe if you took another picture of anna the same way but so that she's in the whole picture with nothing cut off.

  6. I like the idea of the selfridges in the background as it gives identity to your artist. I also think the colours work well with the background

  7. I really like the simplicity of the cover, its easy to read and the image of the artist grabs the audience's attention. I also really like the choice of song names- they connote the pop rock genre as they're a little bit edgy and mysterious. Only four songs though? Is it just the single then?
    The use of a heart above the "i" softens it and makes it more feminine appealing to female members of the audience and hinting at the 'pop' side of the pop rock genre. Works really well :)

  8. the colours work really together and are very eye catching. the glance over the shoulder gives her an a rebellious attitude.

  9. The covers are simplistic and effective. The colour of the background contrasts with the font really well and the artist looks rebellious and her facial expressions meet the conventions of your genre. However i dont understand the image of the bullring, maybe an image that relates to your genre could work better but other than that good work!
