Thursday 18 June 2009

Typical Audience profile

Hopefully my audience research will tell me all about the audience that I intend to aim my product at. It will tell me demographic and psychographic information about my target audience telling me their habits and interests within the music industry.

My questionnaire allowed me to analyse quantitive and qualitive data, I tallied the results and put these into charts and tables meaning that I could therefore analyse my data quickly and efficiently. I distributed these randomly however tried to vary the age ranges and genders yet inevitably I tended to hand out more questionnaires to people of my age range, the majority of the people I asked being between 16 and 25, I think that this influenced my results a lot.

A lot of people of this age range would be able to afford new music technologies such as IPods and personal mp3 players and would have money to spend on music with jobs. This age range would also be going out to pubs and clubs, more than likely listening to chart and dance music, this is shown in my results. Dance, rock and pop were the main preferred genres, this was likely to be the results given the age ranges mainly asked, this does affect how valid my results are.

The majority of people I asked tended to download music on a weekly or monthly basis, perhaps due to it being inexpensive with many competitive sites such as Itunes and Amazon competing to sell the consumer music.

The majority of people I asked said that they listen to music from the same artist and the same genre, perhaps showing a loyalty towards their preferred artist and preferred genre. Also many of the people I asked said that they prefer to listen to music on the radio, on the Internet or on a personal sound system rather than music channels suggesting an easily accessible way of consuming music.

The majority of people said that the album cover is important to them, this will be an important factor.

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