Monday 15 June 2009

MTV and Kerrang research for our Pop Rock Genre...

I looked at MTV for our pop rock genre, I thought that it would be appropriate as it is very well known and a very well established institution for us to research, by looking at this we ensure that we know where we will 'send' our product.

The people watching MTV would generally be our target audience, they would be fans of the music played and expecting this sort of genre, therefore we would immediately grab their attention.

It's also important to consider that it's a digital channel so it not available to everyone at this current moment in time. MTV plays both underground and mainstream videos so has a wide target audience, it also plays 'up and coming' artists.

The schedule gives us an idea of when we can target our audience, the peak time of about 5-7pm would be our aim and this is when we would gain most viewers. The schedule is important as is impacts heavily on when we can target our audience.

It's also important to note that the channel demographic is the same as our target audience, this will be a big help when creating our product.

We also looked into kerrang as this also plays some pop rock songs. Again this is a digital channel so we must consider how many of our target audience this will reach. This is also a well known established institution so we thought that this was appropriate to research.

Kerrang plays artists such as Fall Out Boy, Green Day and The Offspring.This could be a bit too rock orientated for our genre and too punk rock orientated. For this reason we would more than likely stick to MTV.

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