Tuesday 16 June 2009

(POP ROCK) Video analysis'

Ashlee Simpson- Boyfriend

The video starts off with a zoom in shot on an alley way, from a point of view shot from behind the wheel, this immediately cuts to darker surroundings, in a more derelict and urban area. There is then a mid shot of a cars headlights, this immediately cross cuts to a mid shot of the artist driving the car. The editing is very fast which links to the genre of pop rock.

This is then followed by a close up of the artist driving the car, the shot being of her hands on the wheels, the shot again links back to the alley way with a long shot of the car itself.

The camera then focuses on the artists face, cross cutting to her driving the car. We see that she is being followed by police, this shows the artists rebellious side and that she does not conform to the rules of society, this reinforces her style of music as edgy.

The audience can see that there is a police chase happening, they are following the artist driving the car, again we see a very quick mid shot of the artist driving the car. The cross cuts really establish what is happening for the audience.

The mid shot of the artist then goes on to follow her singing, again there are cross cuts between the artist driving the car, the police cars and various other scenes happening at the current moment in time.

There's a high angle crane shot onto the artist getting out of the car and a close up onto her heels, the clothing she is wearing shows that she doesn't conform to the rules, she's not dressed sophisticated, her clothing style conforms to her conventions.

There is again cross cuts between the artists face while she's singing and whats happening in her surroundings, the direct mode of address in these mid shots engages the audience.

There's a long shot of a performance scene, the artist is singing and around her is the crowd. The setting seems quite derelict like an unused warehouse and the lighting is very natural, adding to the verisimilitude of the scene.

There are various shots of the artist performing, she is always central to the frame of there is a close up on her, showing her importance within the video and that she is the person with the most power and authority. It's important to notice that there are also a few mid shots and long shots of a school scene, this links to the front cover of her CD where she is dressed in what looks like a school uniform.

The people in the video are also young adults and older teenagers, this reinforces the target audience being of this demographic.

Avril Lavigne- Girlfriend

The video starts off with a mid shot of the artist, she sees a couple and immediately sings lyrics at the male, the audience sees a two shot of the couple and see this beginning to happen.

There's cross cuts between the artist and the couple to establish the situation taking place for the audience, this then cuts to a performance taking place. The artist is dressed to suit the genre of pop rock by wearing a short skirt and shirt. The image of the skull and cross behind the artist when she is performing links to the CD cover for the artist.

There's a direct mode of address between the artist and the audience, this immediately engages the audience. There's cross cuts between the artist and other scenes linking to her song lyrics. The editing is very fast and pacy, this fits in with the style of music.

There's various intercuts between the artist and the boys girlfriend who the artist is singing about, this establishes a clear connection for the audience, it follows Todorovs narrative theory in that there is a clear linear narrative. There are constant intercuts between the performance and things that are happening with the artist currently, this reinforces the narrative.

There is a mid shot where the artist has a crowd around her, the setting is quite dark and she is central to the frame showing her status. Often there is a mid shot showing all 3 main characters in the shot, this is establishing that she is getting in the way of the couples relationship and trying to break them up, this reinforces her 'couldn't care' attitude that she is trying to put across.

Pink- So What

The video starts off with an image of the artists tattoo's, the camera then pans out to reveal the artist fully. The mid shot of her on the small vehicle annoying the drivers behind reinforces that she is in control, she doesn't care. Also that she is drinking out of a can seems to add to the masculinity which is reinforced by the shot of the liquor sign.

The direct mode of address engages the audience, the audience can relate to the artist as is immediately drawn to her, she is also always central to the frame which is important to consider.

The artists costume and hair is quite edgy, even that her hair is quite short is important especially that it is platinum blonde which fits with the genre. The fact that her tattoos are on show displays her as quite masculine rather than feminine, this challenges gender stereotypes.

When the artist is framed, she is framed central to the frame, she comes across as very aggressive, her actions are aggressive along with her singing, this add's to the challenge of gender stereotypes. This is also reinforced by the motorbike.

Again there is a mid shot of the artist with a crowd around her, a performance scene of her singing. There's various mid shots of the artist and a male, she sings at him. The editing is also very fast, it fits in with the style of music.

Paramore- Misery Business

The video begins with a mid shot of the band, followed by a close up of the female of the band, she is the 'face' of the band and is highly important. The setting is dark and inside rather than outside.

The woman is always framed central to the frame, with a direct mode of address to engage the audience, she is also always at the forefront of the frame. Again there are cross cuts from the performance to other scenes.

Again the editing is extremely fast, this links with the genre of music and the style of music.

The artist is dressed to fit in with the genre of music, she's dressed quite edgy and her clothing doesn't conform to common gender conventions, she's very edgy and doesn't come across as overly feminine.

The colours of the setting are quite plain and simple, the black, white and red colours contrast with each other which is what you would expect from this genre of music.

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