Friday 12 June 2009

Graphs and tables of results

The overall preferred genres were Pop, Dance and Rock, this is definately affected by the age range that I asked especially since genres such as alternative, world and country were preferred by no one that filled out my questionnaire.

The majority of the people I asked were between the ages of 17 to 22. I tried to vary the age ranges but people of this age range were easily accessible to fill out my questionnaire and I mostly know people of this age range. I think that this is going to make a difference to my overall results.

This result will also change my overall results as the majority of the people I asked were female, again, although I tried to vary it I asked more females than males.

Most of the people that I asked said that hearing a track on the radio/Internet etc is the biggest reason for being encouraged to buy music. The album cover, someone else's recommendation and seeing an advertisement for it were pretty much equal suggesting that it is more important when being influenced to buy a track that they have already heard the music.

The majority of the people that I asked said that they listening to music from the same artist, sticking to a preferred artist and music that they know they enjoy.

Again, the majority of the people I asked also said that they listen to music from the same genre suggesting that they listen to music that they know they enjoy.

The way in which the people i asked listen to music was mostly on the radio, on the Internet or a personal sound system rather than music channels. This could be that this is a much more convenient way of consuming music.

Most people that I asked also owned an IPod or an MP3 player again linking to convenient ways of consuming music.

These were also used on a regular basis.

The majority purchased music weekly or monthly, with many companies having price wars the tracks are becoming a lot less expensive to buy making them easily affordable for people to buy on a regular basis.

Also most people said that they tended to browse in music stores rather than go in with a specific purchase in mind meaning that they could often be influenced.

Finally, most people said that the cover is important to them, this would influence their choice heavily and would need to grab their attention.

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