Friday 12 June 2009

(DANCE) CD cover and video conventions...

CD covers conventions:

-Doesn't always feature the artist. La Roux and Lady Gaga features the artist, if the artist is featured then he or she is central to the frame and there is often a direct mode of address.
- Poses enigmas and creates suspense. For example with KID CUDI VS THE CROOKERS 'DAY 'N' NITE', you have to turn over the CD to fully realise that it's a space helmet on the front cover.
- Capital lettering for the copy, central and minimalistic, all that the audience needs to know.
- Band/ artist name and song name.
- 3 colours used rarely more, this is useful when the cover is made much smaller for Ipod screens, it's still recognisable, also its cheaper limiting to a few colours.
- The colours often mimics the colours of strobe lighting for example lime green.
- Colour scheme from the front cover carried to the back, extremely common with genre.

Video conventions:
- Intercuts are used to link scenes and characters.
- Sometimes intertextuality for example The Prodigy
- Lighting is not natural; it's high contrast and often strobe lighting to mimic a night club.
-Colours are often white, lime green, pink and blue linking to a nightclub/ nightlife.
- There's often a direct mode of address
- The editing is fast and pacy again linking to a nightclub referring back to the genre of dance.
- Costume plays a major part, establishing artists and setting up a 'look' meaning they are easily recognisable.

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