Friday 12 June 2009

Questionnaire on audiences music preferences

We organised our group last lesson and in our group of 3 discussed our preferred genre, however knew we must complete an audience questionnaire which would determine our genre. Individually I have created a questionnaire containing demographic information such as age and gender, including psychographic information and both quantitive and qualitative data. I have handed out 36 questionnaires and tallied the results. I am now in the process of creating graphs and tables for my results.

My questionnaire with my tallied results is as follows:

Audience Questionnaire music preferences

Which age range do you fit into?

o Under 10 1

o 11-16 4

o 17-22 12

o 23-28 6

o 29-34 5

o 35-40 3

o 41-46 2

o 47-52 2

o 52+ 1

Are you male or female?

o Male 14

o Female 22

What is your preferred genre of music?

o Rock 8

o Heavy metal/ Grunge 3

o Jazz 2

o Pop/chart music 8

o Classic 2

o R’n’B/ soul 3

o Indie 2

o Dance 8

o Country

o Reggae

o Hip Hop

o Alternative

o World

o Other (please specify)
o __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What would encourage you to listen or buy music?

o The album cover 8

o Hearing the track on the radio, on the Internet etc 16

o Someone’s recommendation 8

o Seeing an advertisement for it 10

o Other (please specify)
o __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you usually listen to music from the same artists or vary?

o The same artists 23

o I vary 13

Do you usually listen to music from the same genre or vary?

o The same genre 22

o I vary 14

How do you listen to music?

o On the radio 22

o On the Internet 22

o Personal sound system 19

o Music channels 8

Do you buy singles or albums?

o Singles 24

o Albums 7

o Both 3

o Neither 2

Do you own an IPod or mp3 player?

o IPod 16

o MP3 Player 14

o Neither 6

Do you use this on a regular basis?

o Yes 22

o No 14

How often do you purchase music?

o Daily 4

o Weekly 10

o Monthly 10

o Sometimes 6

o Rarely 4

o Never 2

Do you go into music shops with a specific purchase in mind or do you browse?

o Specific purchase in mind 13

o I tend to browse 17

o Both 6

Is the cover important to you, does it help appeal to you?

o Yes 26

o No 10

As dance,rock and pop music are the preferred genres of music for the people that filled out my questionnaire these are the genres that I will focus on for my analysis'. We will soon compare our questionnaires in our group and pull together all of our results.

We are all focusing our analysis' on these genres for now so that we can develop ideas for our product with key codes and conventions of the genre which we decide on. I'm using BBC radio one's chart list to look at CD covers and videos as this lists singles under the headings of our genres.

I think that my questionnaire effectively captures both audience habits and audience preferences, this will help me when creating my audience profile and in creating the product as I know exactly who i'm aiming it at.

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